Different Types Of Mixer Bowls For Your KitchenAid Stand Mixers 

The KitchenAid stand mixer is a classic in the baking world. It resembles the huge mixers you see in bakeries and places where bread is made. The classic stand mixer can mix, whip, and knead. KitchenAid mixers are known for their quality, durability, and classic retro-style designs, making them a popular item to gift and pass down in families as well. KitchenAid stand mixers come in two variations: bowl lift and tilt head mixers. There are also a variety of accessories and attachments available for KitchenAid stand mixers for shredding meat and pasta and ice-cream making etc. If you are looking for KitchenAid mixer bowls to upgrade your stand mixer. Let’s see what choices you have.

Types of KitchenAid Mixer Bowls Available

  • Stainless steel mixing bowls

These are the most common types of KitchenAid mixer bowls compatible with the bowl-lift, tilt-head, and mini-tilt models. They are durable, easy to clean, and can be used for a variety of tasks. They come in various sizes between 3-7 litres/quartz. The one that will be sufficient for most people will be the 4.8L stainless steel mixing bowl.

  • Glass bowls 

Glass bowls are a good option if you want to be able to see your ingredients as you mix them; they have measuring scales on them as well. They are also dishwasher-safe and come with a pouring spout to avoid spillage. The tilt-head glass bowls are also microwave-safe till 450℉. The only size option available in glass is the 4.7-liter glass mixing bowl. The KitchenAid glass mixer bowls are compatible with all three stand mixer models.

  • Ceramic bowls

Ceramic bowls are a more stylish option, and they can also be used in the oven. However, they are more delicate than stainless steel and glass bowls. The ceramic bowls are lined with titanium and come with a 5-year warranty. They are fun to use for decorations and look stylish in the kitchen. Keep in mind that ceramic bowls are only compatible with tilt-head stand mixer models and are usually available in sizes 4.8 or 5.

Unique Qualities of KitchenAid Mixer Bowls

Apart from the sturdy build quality, all KitchenAid mixer bowls are dishwasher and freezer-safe. Some bowls, like the tilt-head glass and ceramic ones, can be used in the microwave and are a good option for heating leftovers or melting butter. Ceramic ones can also be used in the oven. KitchenAid mixer bowls are available in beautiful designs. The brand also offers a variety of coloured bowls. These bowls are a fun way to add some personality to your kitchen.

KitchenAid Mixer Bowls are Built to Last

The thing to keep in mind before buying a KitchenAid mixer bowl is the type of mixer you have. If you have a KitchenAid mini stand mixer, then the bowl available and compatible with it will only be 3.5 L. The professional stand mixer only comes with bowl-lift style mixer bowls with sizes ranging between 6 and 8 quartz. KitchenAid mixer bowls are built to last, come with warranties and offers are durable, and will elevate the look of your kitchen top for a long time.

3 KitchenAid Stand Mixer Attachments You Can Gift Using the Special Summer Discount

If your loved one is a food enthusiast who loves cooking with their KitchenAid stand mixer, then how about you gift them a KitchenAid stand mixer attachment this summer? Kitchenaid is offering a limited per sale offering 20% off on KitchenAid stand mixer and attachments till 8th May 2022. So, if you order at the right time, you can get hold of high quality mixer attachments for a low price tag. To help you make a selection, we are listing some of the must-try Kitchenaid stand mixer attachments that will be thoroughly used and not gather dust in a neglected drawer. These easily removable mixer attachments help food-enthusiasts make more out of their KitchenAid stand mixer, giving capability to cook a wide range of dishes. 

1. Sifter + Scale Attachment

For a baker, the Sifter+Scale Attachment can be a  perfect gift. This KitchenAid stand mixer attachment makes sifting dry ingredients easy and mess free. It slowly incorporates sifted ingredients directly into the Kitchenaid mixer bowl with an integrated chute. The attachment comes with an integrated scale that helps you precisely measure the ingredients essential in baking. It is an indispensable stand mixer attachment for bakers who want to maintain a consistency in their baking. If you buy the KitchenAid Sifter+Scale Attachment in the  summer offer, it will help you save $47.84. Now, what can be a better deal?

2. Pasta Roller Attachment

If your friend is a pasta-snob and loves to make pasta from scratch or even if they’ve never made pasta before, you can gift them the KitchenAid Pasta Roller Attachment. This KitchenAid mixer attachment makes rolling pasta a fun and an easy experience. This product is easy to use and beginner-friendly. The pasta roller attachment comes with three accessories including a stainless steel roller along with a fettuccine cutter, and a spaghetti cutter. So, different types of pasta shapes can be easily prepared at home. The roller can be used to roll out dough in 8 different thickness levels! Order before 8th May to save $43.8.

3. Fresh Prep Slicer & Shredder Attachment

Gifting the Kitchenaid Fresh Prep Slicer & Shredder Attachment can help your loved one save time and effort on food preparation time by half in the summer heat. The food pusher in this attachment can handle both large and small fruits and vegetables. There are also three blades of varying widths which can be used to achieve precise cuts of different thickness. The KitchenAid Fresh Prep Slicer & Shredder Attachment uses a retractable blade guard to cover the blade, which ensures utmost safety for the users. All its blades are made from durable stainless steel and they are rust and odor resistant. Now for the sweet deal, tou can save $34 just by ordering it online before 8th May. 

Final word

KitchenAid stand mixer attachments make perfect gifts for those who love to use smart kitchen appliances for making their cooking effortless and easy. Kitchenaid stand mixer, accessories, and all the attachments that we listed above are a must-have for diverse cooking needs. From batting dough to blending ingredients, the right stand mixer attachments can help you do a lot of tasks. Now is the best time of the year to place your order as you can get a flat 20% discount on purchasing any KitchenAid stand mixer and attachments (with certain exclusions). But you must hurry, as it is a limited period offer, applicable till 8th May. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start shopping.